#1421 Kalaijah Juvenal

Kalaijah Juvenal is a 47-year-old former ice cream vendor who enjoys toe wrestling. She was born on March 27th. Physically, Kalaijah is not in great shape. She has a severe phobia of blushing. She is allergic to pollen. She is currently single. Kalaijah has a best friend who is a plant engineer called Deneisha Severo.
Relationships (1)

Best friends withDeneisha Severo
Attributes (12)
TypeHuman5400 Pixltonians have this.
GenderFemale2697 Pixltonians have this.
Skin ToneVanilla1065 Pixltonians have this.
MouthTongue603 Pixltonians have this.
HairstyleHigh Ponytail92 Pixltonians have this.
HaircolorBrown1668 Pixltonians have this.
EarringLong Silver148 Pixltonians have this.
ShoesBlack Slippers227 Pixltonians have this.
Female OutfitCasual Too128 Pixltonians have this.
Eye TypeNormal3163 Pixltonians have this.
Eye ColorBrown-eyed2488 Pixltonians have this.
BirthdayMarch 27th15 Pixltonians have this.
Ownership Record (0)
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