#5345 Yvetta Hollandsworth

Yvetta Hollandsworth is a 45-year-old former share dealer who enjoys caid. She was born on December 6th. Physically, Yvetta is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She has a tattoo of a drying rack on her arm. She is allergic to red meat. She is currently married to Couper Alaman. Couper works as a former market research. Yvetta has a best friend who is a marine geologist called Milley Hirning.
Relationships (2)

Relationship withCouper Alaman

Best friends withMilley Hirning
Attributes (13)
TypeHuman5400 Pixltonians have this.
GenderFemale2697 Pixltonians have this.
Skin ToneAlmond1095 Pixltonians have this.
MouthTongue603 Pixltonians have this.
HairstyleThe Bob181 Pixltonians have this.
HaircolorBrown1668 Pixltonians have this.
TattooBoth Arms102 Pixltonians have this.
JewelrySmall Silver Chain247 Pixltonians have this.
ShoesWhite Shoes1257 Pixltonians have this.
Female OutfitBasic Black Dress131 Pixltonians have this.
Eye TypeClose1697 Pixltonians have this.
Eye ColorBrown-eyed2488 Pixltonians have this.
BirthdayDecember 6th14 Pixltonians have this.
Ownership Record (0)
Event | From | To | Date |
Similar Pixltonians (1)

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